Casalonga UPC rules of procedure
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 Case Law
Regel 315: Streithilfeschriftsatz

Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division, Order dated 22/07/2024, Hewlett-Packard Luxembourg SCA, HP International SARL, HPCP – Computing and Printing Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda., Hewlett-Packard d.o.o., HP Deutschland GmbH, HP Inc., HP Austria GmbH, HP Inc Bulgaria EOOD (Ейч Пи Инк България ЕООД), HP France SAS, HP Belg (Case/ Registry number: App_25069/2024, ORD_25519/2024)
Example of decision on the access for employees to confidential informations: "Pursuant to R. 315.4 RoP, the intervener is treated as a party, unless - as here - otherwise ordered by the court. The principle of equal treatment of intervener and party means that the intervener must be involved in the proceedings as a party (Tilmann/Plassmann/Dorn, Unitary Patent, Unified Patent Court, R. 315 RoP, para. 17). R. 262A.6 RoP therefore also applies to him. He therefore has a right to extend the group of persons entitled to access to at least one natural person. Access Advance has not waived this right in the present case, for example in the form of a corresponding agreement with the defendants (cf: UPC_CFI_239/2024 (LD The Hague), order of 4 March 2024, ORD_590350/2023, para. 13 - Plant-e Knowledge v. Arkyne Technologies). The exclusion of all employees of the intervener from access to the persons classified as confidential in the main application therefore lacks a basis."