Casalonga UPC rules of procedure
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 Case Law
Rule 104: Aim of the interim conference

Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Central Division - Section, Order dated 31/01/2024, NanoString Technologies Europe Limited/ President and Fellows of Harvard College (ORD_598209/2023)
Example of decision on the value of the proceedings: “In order for the parties and the Court to assess whether costs incurred are indeed reasonable and proportionate and whether or not equity requires otherwise, the Court and parties must have access to information showing at least a detailed description of the number of hours spent working on this particular case, by whom, what for and at what rate. The same applies to any expenses incurred.
To this end, the Court will allow the filing of additional exhibits relating to costs until two weeks prior to the hearing (3 April 2024) for all costs incurred until that date. This submission may be updated by a further submission to be lodged at the latest noon CET on the day before the hearing (16 April 2024). The last submission may include an estimate of costs incurred for the hearing itself.