Casalonga UPC rules of procedure
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Rule 320Re-establishment of rights

1. Where a party has failed to observe a time-limit set by these Rules or the Court for a cause which, despite all due care having been taken by the party, was outside his control and the non-observance of this time limit has had the direct consequence of causing the party to lose a right or means of redress, the relevant panel of the Court may upon the request of that party re-establish the right or means of redress.

2. The Application for Re-establishment of rights shall be lodged with the Registry within one month of the removal of the cause for non-observance of the time-limit but in any event within six months of the non-observed time-limit. Within that time-limit a fee shall be paid for a Request for Re-establishment of rights, in accordance with Part 6.

3. The Application sha
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